Monday, August 2, 2010

Word To Ya Motha

I really like words. Without words, my blog would be nothing. Also, without words, human communication would be reduced to grunts and moans. I believe those should be left to the more primal aspects of our lives.

Here are some words that I simply adore:


Here are some words that should be banned from the English language (for various reasons):

delicious - I only dislike this word when it is actually used to describe food/a meal (i.e. That turkey was delicious, Grandma!) If it is used to describe the way someone looks, that's perfectly acceptable...and funny. (i.e. Oh mah Gawd, that boy is DELICIOUS!)

taut - This word would be fine; however, the first few times I ever saw this word used were in articles and directions on how to wax a (preferably your own) bikini line. The directions always say, "Pull the skin taut." That's gross. Unfortunately, now when I see that word, I automatically think about a hairy, waxy, bikini line. And you will probably think the same thing now. Sorry.

panties - This just does not roll off the tongue well. Say undergarments, unmentionables, underoos, I don't care. Just don't say panties, for the love of God and all that is holy.

poot - This might by the grand-daddy of all disgusting words. If this list were in order, this word would have been first. Just say fart...or expelled gas... just please, for my sanity, don't say this word.

tender - This word is okay when describing meat. It is not okay when describing anything about or pertaining to a person (i.e. voice, touch, etc.) It sounds creepy.

the "N" word - If you use this word, I lose all respect for you, regardless of your race. It's not cool. Please omit it from your vocabulary.

faggot - This is offensive. It should not be used to describe anyone. Get creative. Think of a better word.

That's all for now. Feel free to tell me about words that you love or hate. It's fun.

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